Adult LifeGroups

LifeGroups are the connection point at First Baptist Church. It's in a LifeGroup that you can connect with people just like you who desire to grow in God's word, make a difference in the community, develop friendships with each other, and challenge each other to be more like Christ. So if you're looking for a place to connect, browse all of our LifeGroups below. We're sure you'll find one for you.


Tuesdays, 7:00PM

NextGen Center

Facebook Group | Calendar

If you’re in that stage of life between graduating high school and starting a family, then you would fit in great at The Well. The Well is a place that young adults can connect with God and each other.

The Well is full of young adults whose lives have been changed by God and who now want to change the world around them. We believe that young adults are at a crucial stage of life and have limitless potential to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

Family Life

Wednesdays, 6:30PM

Room 210

Facebook Group

Are you a newlywed couple? Or maybe you have a few children of your own Family Life is for anyone who is dealing with the joys and challenges of a young, flourishing family. In this LifeGroup you will get practical teaching for this very critical stage of life, the chance to build friendships with families that are in the same boat as you, and the opportunity to reach out and make a difference in our community.

During our time together you will have time to catch up with friends, get relevant teaching and experience meaningful times of discussion and prayer. To find what else FamilyLife is up to, check out our Facebook page.

The BRidge

Wednesdays, 6:30PM

Room 211

Facebook Group

Have you found yourself in the world of parenting teens? Would you like a place to discuss the challenges of leading a Godly household? Join us as we seek biblical direction and practical wisdom to build bridges for our children to successfully follow the Lord into adulthood.

Open Door

Wednesdays, 6:30PM

Room 114

Facebook Group

Are you in a stage of life where you no longer have young children at home? Are you an older single adult? Does the idea of connecting with other Christians in Bible study, fellowship, and serving God appeal to you? Then join us at Open Door on Wednesday nights!

Half Time

Wednesdays, 6:30PM

Room 110

Facebook Group

Are your kids grown? Or have they moved out of the house? If so, you may be in the “empty nester” stage of life. Chances are you have gained some experience over the years and you’re feeling the desire to invest in more significant things. If this is you, then the Half Time LifeGroup is a great fit.

Half Time is a great place to enjoy casual and meaningful fellowship. The atmosphere is laid back and the evenings start off with refreshments and informal conversation. In addition to the weekly meetings, Half Time is very active outside of the four walls of the church.

Senior Saints

Wednesdays, 9:30AM

Room 110

Facebook Group

Have you been retired for several years? Is it fair to say that you, “have seen it all”? If you would consider yourself to have gained a lifetime of experience, then the Senior Saints is the place for you. The Senior Saints spend time diving into God’s word together, but it's more than a Bible study. We also spend time encouraging one another through prayer and fellowship. You will also have the opportunity to reach out to the community by participating in special in-class and church-wide projects.